The Robert Stephen Hawker website was set up in October 2010 to provide a reliable online resource for those interested in finding out more about Hawker. Until March 2013 a small collection of Hawker Society pages was hosted here. The Society now has its own dedicated site at which will eventually be expanded to include a further range of articles on Hawker, his writings and his times.
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This site is being archived for preservation by the British Library Web Archive. I do my best to ensure that all information provided is up to date and accurate but if you discover a broken link, an error, or a typo, please let me know and I’ll correct it.
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Unless otherwise stated all images and articles on this website are copyright and should not be used without prior permission.
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This is a non-commercial site and is intended for educational purposes only. In the case of works which are still in copyright every effort has been made to trace and contact the copyright holders. If any copyright holder objects, in writing, to items appearing on the site we will remove them.